

  • 所属栏目:催眠技术
  • 主讲导师:
  • 资源大小:1.35GB
  • 资源来源:网友上传
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|   ├──01Day 1-Mindful Basics _ Arriving in Presence.mp3  7.08M
|   ├──02Day 2-Mindful Basics _ Conscious Relaxing.mp3  7.48M
|   ├──03Day 3-Mindful Basics _ Coming Back to your Senses.mp3  8.06M
|   ├──04Day 4-Mindful Basics _ Attitude of Friendliness.mp3  7.39M
|   ├──05Day 5-Mindful Basics _ Mindfulness of Breath.mp3  7.80M
|   ├──06Day 6-Mindful Basics _ Calming and Steadying with the Breath.mp3  7.74M
|   ├──07Day 7-Mindful Basics _ Counting the Breath.mp3  7.62M
|   ├──08Day 8-Mindful Basics _ Deepening the Focus.mp3  8.80M
|   ├──09Day 9-Mindful Basics _ Mindfulness of the Body.mp3  7.58M
|   ├──10Day 10-Mindful Basics _ Feeling from the Inside Out.mp3  7.59M
|   ├──11Day 11-Mindful Basics _ Body Scan.mp3  7.76M
|   ├──12Day 12-Mindful Basics _ Naming Sensations.mp3  7.84M
|   ├──13Day 13-Mindful Basics _ Working with Intense Sensations.mp3  6.62M
|   ├──14Day 14-Emotional Intelligence _ Mindfulness and Emotions.mp3  8.20M
|   ├──15Day 15-Emotional Intelligence _ Naming Emotions.mp3  9.34M
|   ├──16Day 16-Emotional Intelligence _ Working with Difficult Emotions.mp3  8.62M
|   ├──17-Emotional Intelligence _ Fostering Positive Emotions.mp3  9.09M
|   ├──18Day 18-Emotional Intelligence _ Recognizing Thinking.mp3  7.63M
|   ├──19Day 19-Emotional Intelligence _ Wise Relationship to Thoughts.mp3  7.31M
|   ├──20Day 20-Emotional Intelligence _ Life Under Thoughts.mp3  7.53M
|   ├──21Day 21-Emotional Intelligence _ Beyond Thoughts.mp3  6.38M
|   ├──22Day 22-Resilience, Healing and Inner Freedom _ Mindfulness_ The Core Practice.mp3  8.55M
|   ├──23Day 23-Resilience, Healing and Inner Freedom _ Self-judgement and Self-Compassion.mp3  8.38M
|   ├──24-Resilience, Healing and Inner Freedom _ RAIN.mp3  9.04M
|   ├──25Day 25-Resilience, Healing and Inner Freedom _ Emotions and Inner Resources.mp3  8.92M
|   ├──26-Resilience, Healing and Inner Freedom  Beginner's.mp3  9.43M
|   ├──27Day 27-Resilience, Healing and Inner Freedom _ Spacious Awareness.mp3  8.24M
|   ├──28Day 28-Resilience, Healing and Inner Freedom _ Equanimity.mp3  7.40M
|   ├──29Day 29-Resilience, Healing and Inner Freedom _ Who am I_(Mindfulness of Awareness).mp3  8.46M
|   ├──30Day 30-Mindful Living _ Empathy and Compassion.mp3  7.22M
|   ├──31Day 31-Mindful Living _ Forgiveness.mp3  8.26M
|   ├──32Day 32-Mindful Living _ Seeing Goodness.mp3  7.93M
|   ├──33Day 33-Mindful Living _ Intention.mp3  7.03M
|   ├──34Day 34-Mindful Living _ Conflict.mp3  8.60M
|   ├──35Day 35-Mindful Living _ Listening.mp3  7.83M
|   ├──36Day 36-Mindful Living _ Mindful Speaking.mp3  7.03M
|   ├──37Day 37-Mindful Living _ Trusting and Inhabiting your Being.mp3  8.43M
|   ├──38Day 38-Mindful Living _ Generosity and Service.mp3  7.10M
|   ├──39Day 39-Mindful Living _ Nourishing a Grateful Heart.mp3  8.00M
|   └──40Day 40-Mindful Living _ Aspiration and Vision.mp3  9.40M
|   ├──01第1天-正念基础_进入当下.mp3  9.52M
|   ├──02第2天-正念基础_有意识的放松.mp3  9.36M
|   ├──03第3天-正念基础_回到你的五感.mp3  7.90M
|   ├──04第4天-正念基础_友善的态度.mp3  9.56M
|   ├──05第5天-正念基础_正念呼吸.mp3  6.89M
|   ├──06第6天-正念基础_伴随呼吸的平静和稳定.mp3  7.05M
|   ├──07第7天-正念基础_数呼吸.mp3  6.38M
|   ├──08第8天-正念基础_深入专注力.mp3  7.21M
|   ├──09第9天-正念基础_身体的正念.mp3  7.94M
|   ├──10第10天-正念基础_由内而外的感受.mp3  9.64M
|   ├──11第11天-正念基础_身体扫描.mp3  7.57M
|   ├──12第12天-正念基础_命名感受.mp3  8.72M
|   ├──13第13天-正念基础_应对强烈的感受.mp3  6.99M
|   ├──14第14天-情商_正念和情绪.mp3  6.99M
|   ├──15第15天-情商_命名情绪.mp3  8.22M
|   ├──16第16天-情商_应对困难情绪.mp3  7.68M
|   ├──17天-情商_培养积极情绪.mp3  8.51M
|   ├──18第18天-情商_认出念头的不断产生.mp3  7.30M
|   ├──19第19天-情商_和念头的智慧关系.mp3  7.41M
|   ├──20第20天-情商_念头下的生活.mp3  7.86M
|   ├──21第21天-情商_超越念头.mp3  8.28M
|   ├──22第22天-韧性、疗愈和内在自由_正念:核心练习.mp3  8.60M
|   ├──23第23天-韧性、疗愈和内在自由_自我评判和自我关怀.mp3  7.96M
|   ├──24第24天-韧性、疗愈和内在自由_RAIN.mp3  10.49M
|   ├──25第25天-韧性、疗愈和内在自由_情绪和内在资源.mp3  10.73M
|   ├──26第26天-韧性、疗愈和内在自由_初学者的心.mp3  9.45M
|   ├──27第27天-韧性、疗愈和内在自由_无边无际的觉知.mp3  7.71M
|   ├──28第28天-韧性、疗愈和内在自由_平等心.mp3  7.48M
|   ├──29第29天-韧性、疗愈和内在自由_我是谁?(对觉知的正念).mp3  8.04M
|   ├──30第30天-正念生活_同理心和慈悲心.mp3  9.01M
|   ├──31第31天-正念生活_宽恕.mp3  10.19M
|   ├──32第32天-正念生活_看见善性.mp3  7.44M
|   ├──33第33天-正念生活_意图.mp3  8.43M
|   ├──34第34天-正念生活_冲突.mp3  9.78M
|   ├──35第35天-正念生活_倾听.mp3  7.79M
|   ├──36第36天-正念生活_正念的讲.mp3  8.48M
|   ├──37第37天-正念生活_信任和存在于你的存在.mp3  6.08M
|   ├──38第38天-正念生活_慷慨和服务.mp3  7.86M
|   ├──39第39天-正念生活_培育感恩的心.mp3  7.36M
|   ├──40第40天-正念生活_期许和愿景.mp3  7.42M
|   └──答疑.docx  50.98kb
└──【超值赠课】正念减压之父:教你风靡全球的减压方法.mp4  733.05M



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